Fire Protection Supplies
Ensuring your company has adequate fire protection in Australia is not only a legal requirement but an ethical one as well. By making sure that you have the correct security fire protection installed in your business, you could end up minimising damage to your property and, in some cases, even saving lives.
Rest assured that Quill Safety has the right fire protection system for your business. Our range of fire protection tools are manufactured to be compliant with all Australian standards, building code requirements and fire regulations.
The right security fire protection for your business
Equipping your business with the appropriate fire protection technologies for your industry and daily operational requirements is the first step to making your business safe against the threat of fire. We stock only the highest quality specialised fire protection produced by the most experienced fire protection companies on the market.
Fire extinguishers
The fire extinguisher is probably the most effective form of fire control protection. We offer extinguishers that are capable of dealing with several categories of fire, and they are also available in a variety of different sizes so you can be sure you have the correct fire protection for your requirements.
Fire blankets
A user-friendly tool in the fight against fire in your place of business, fire blankets are one of the most versatile fire protection technologies. Our fire blankets are available in a selection of sizes making them a great tool when battling different types of blazes.
Make Quill Safety your choice for fire protection in Australia
The Quill Safety website offers you the latest in specialised fire protection at the click of a button. We want to help you make your business as safe and legally compliant as possible. Contact us today to find the best fire protection in Australia or shop online in our user-friendly store.